The Bee Friendly Garden


Bees are the biggest pollinators, this is a guide for all gardens big and small to encourage bees and other good bugs into our gardens

How bees forage

Why our gardens need bees

Planting guide to bee friendly plants

Natural pest control

Companion planting

Price includes GST.

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Bees are the biggest pollinators, this is a guide for all gardens big and small to encourage bees and other good bugs into our gardens

How bees forage

Why our gardens need bees

Planting guide to bee friendly plants

Natural pest control

Companion planting

Price includes GST.

Bees are the biggest pollinators, this is a guide for all gardens big and small to encourage bees and other good bugs into our gardens

How bees forage

Why our gardens need bees

Planting guide to bee friendly plants

Natural pest control

Companion planting

Price includes GST.

BEE AGSKILLS; A Practical Guide To Farm Skills
Inspection Check list Notebook
Healthy Bees
Backyard Bees; A guide for the beginner beekeeper
The Australian Beekeeping Manual